The STC pays for part or all of the gravel on these trails so that the public is allowed to use them. These trails are vital to access the designated trail system in Lusk Creek area and in Hayes Canyon area.
Barnes Property - This private property trail accesses the FS trail to Indian Kitchen from the south. Hayes Canyon, Bear Branch and Circle B use this trail. You can get to Bowed Tree crossing and trails beyond by starting on the Barnes property and then getting on the Boat Trail, which is on the Davis property.
Old Barnes trail
This trail was impossible to maintain, too steep a grade and it would wash out after a big rain. The trail was moved to the top of the hill and follows an old roadbed to the bottom. It can now be maintained with machinery.
New Barnes trail
Davis Property - This trail is known as the Boat trail because there is an old rowboat along side the roadbed. It has been there so long it has a large tree growing out of it. This trail connects Bowed Tree crossing and trails north and east to Bowed Tree roadbed and the Barnes private property trail.
Blackorby Property - This trail connects to Hayes Canyon campground and allows access to the Hayes Canyon trails and sites such as Petticoat Junction, River to River trail, Peter Cave. The barrel (a rock formation) is owned by the Blackorbys and the trail crosses it at the start where it is safe to cross.