2018 - STC received a $6,000 grant for the purpose of assisting the US Forest Service with their project to reroute approximately 1.75 miles of Trail #446 which leads to and around War Bluff. War Bluff is a beautiful, remote, interesting and historical site located in Pope County approximately 6 miles southeast of Eddyville, Illinois. The trail around War Bluff goes up the hill at about a 20-25% grade and is unsustainable. The reroute will bring the trail in at about a 6-8% grade and include the construction of numerous erosion control features. Additionally, the trail will be rerouted around Native American ruins located in the area.
2013 - STC received a $12,500 grant to construct new day parking trailhead at the area known as the Knights of the Golden Circle, an unusual rock formation. It has some historical significance according to local residents. The construction was done by the FS and the grant money paid for the gravel. Presentation of this grant was at the 2013 IL Equine Horsefair. FS Ranger, Tim Pohlman was in attendance.
Knights of Golden Circle
2008 - STC received $20,000 grant to use as leverage for a RTP grant in the amount of $400,000, funds to be used to relocate and reconstruct trails in the One Horse Gap area. Trail sustainability ensures the future access of the Shawnee for all trail users.